Join Our Cause

Climate Smile > Join Our Cause

13 Million

The forestry sector provides employment for over 13 million people globally, with indigenous forest management and conservation creating additional job opportunities in rural areas.

Joining The ClimateSmile Community-Based Organization offers a chance to be part of shaping a sustainable future. Embrace the opportunity to contribute to positive change by becoming a member of our vibrant community.

Membership with The ClimateSmile Community-Based Organization means being at the heart of our collective efforts. Our members lead the way in steering initiatives, shaping our approach, and inspiring action. Their invaluable guidance drives our mission forward.

At The ClimateSmile Community-Based Organization, members play a pivotal role in driving our vision for a better tomorrow. Join us to be part of a community dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the environment and society.

Be part of a movement driving meaningful action for a greener, healthier planet.

Join our network of eco-warriors and create real change in your environment.